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Research activities of wireless & satellite communications in the following laboratories.
- College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University,
Department of Electrical and Electronic
- NTT Electrical Communications Laboratories.
田中 將義 (たなか まさよし)ウエブサイト
- 日本大学 生産工学部 電気電子工学科
- NTT 電気通信研究所
Spatially Superposed M-ary Modulation ( 16QAM, 32APSK, 64QAM ) for Efficient Use of Power and Frequency Resources
We developed spatially superposed highly efficient 32 APSK and 64QAM modulation broadband communication systems.
Recent advances in information technology have led to a growing demand for high-speed access to the Internet anytime, anywhere, and at a reasonable cost to the consumer. A broadband multimedia satellite communications system is a promising network access system because it would allow us to easily and rapidly construct a broadband system over a wide area as compared to other wired systems.
However, we have to resolve some issues for satellite communications systems to play a leading role in a broadband network. One such issue is to establish an economical system design. The other is to boost capacity and to find a way to transmit over a band-limited channel at very high data rates.
To address the issue of the transmission, using M-ary signals would be effective for broadband transmission in a frequency-band-limited system. However, an M-ary modulation scheme is generally much more vulnerable to thermal noise and nonlinear distortion from power devices than a widely used QPSK scheme. This means we have to increase the carrier-to-noise power ratio (CNR) and reduce the distortion to achieve a specific transmission quality.
Some back-off is effective in attaining an acceptable level of distortion in a practical power amplifier. However, power efficiency decreases when back-off occurs. Increasing the output power and the power consumption of high-power transmitters is undesirable for constructing an economical satellite system. This is the main reason an M-ary system has not been widely used for power-limited systems and is the major barrier to achieving an inexpensive satellite communications system.
We developed highly efficient 16QAM, 32 APSK, and 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (64QAM) transmission systems for satellite broadband communication that improve the usage efficiency of frequency resources and energy.
They feature multi-beam spatial superposition. The systems incorporate quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulators and/or an 8PSK modulator and multiple high-power amplifiers (HPAs) that operate in their nonlinear region at a high level of efficiency.
The lower amplitude change for the QPSK and 8PSK signals enables the HPAs in the proposed system to operate in the nonlinear high-efficiency region in which conventional systems cannot operate. After being power-amplified, their output signals are spatially superposed using a specially tailored antenna to produce 16QAM, 32APSK, and 64QAM signals.
1. 8x4 =32 APSK:
We developed a highly efficient 8x4 amplitude-phase shift keying (8x4 APSK) modulation broadband communication system that features a compact two-beam spatial superposition that improves the usage efficiency of the frequency resources and energy.
The system incorporates an eight phase-shift keying (8PSK) modulator, a quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulator, and multiple high power amplifiers (HPAs) that operate in their nonlinear region at a high level of efficiency. Their output signals are spatially combined using a specially tailored antenna array to produce a new 8x4 APSK signal.
The system had a better bit error rate (BER) performance than a conventional 32APSK system when operated in the HPA nonlinear high-efficiency region. Theoretical transmission analysis showed acceptable spatial superposition errors.
We also proposed an antenna array system suitable for combining the two beams. An antenna array study demonstrated that the acceptable errors were attained with the proposed circular array system over a +/- 5-degree angle and this range is wide enough to cover satellite communication service areas. The HPA power consumption was reduced by about 50% compared with that of the conventional system. Thus, the proposed compact system is feasible and will enable broadband transmission while using the available amount of energy and bandwidth more efficiently.

Fig.1 Realization of 8x4 = 32 APSK with spatial superposition technology.

Fig.2 Effect of spatially superposed 32 APSK.
System scale comparison between conventional 32APSK and spatially superposed 32APSK.

Fig.3 Applications of spatially superposed 32 APSK Broadband tranmission for event link-up, disaster minitoring and maritime resources surveying.
2. Spatially superposed 4x4x2 =32 APSK:
We developed a highly efficient 4x4x2 =32 amplitude-phase shift keying (4x4x2=32 APSK) modulation broadband communication system that features a compact three-beam spatial superposition. that improves the usage efficiency of the frequency resources and energy.

Fig.4 Realization of 4x4x2 = 32 APSK with spatial superposition technology.
3. Spatially superposed 64QAM
We developed a highly efficient 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (64QAM) transmission system for satellite broadband communication that improves the usage efficiency of frequency resources and energy.
It features a two-beam spatial superposition. The system incorporates three quaternary phase-shift keyings (QPSK) modulators and multiple high-power amplifiers (HPAs) that operate in their nonlinear region at a high level of efficiency.
The lower amplitude change for the QPSK signals enables the HPAs in the proposed system to operate in the nonlinear high-efficiency region in which conventional systems, such as (4+12+20+28) 64-amplitude and phase shift-keying (64APSK) or 64QAM systems, cannot operate. After being power-amplified, their output signals are spatially superposed using a specially tailored antenna to produce a 64QAM signal.
We investigated the performance of the spatially superposed 64QAM (SS-64QAM) system and found that it had a better bit error rate (BER) than the conventional 64APSK or 64QAM system when operated in the HPA nonlinear high-efficiency region.
The results from a theoretical transmission analysis helped to determine the acceptable timing delay among QPSK signals and the spatial superposition errors.
Based on experiments and analysis, the SS-64QAM system is feasible and consumes about 40% less HPA power than the (4+12+20+28) 64APSK system.
Thus, the proposed system is feasible and will enable broadband transmission more efficiently using the available amount of energy and bandwidth.

Fig. 5 Principle of spatially superposed 64QAM with two beams.
4. Spatially superposed 4x4 = 16 QAM:
We developed a highly efficient 4x4 = 16 QAM modulation broadband communication system that features a compact two-beam spatial superposition that improves the usage efficiency of the frequency resources and energy.
Figure 6 shows the principle of 4x4 QAM system.

Fig.6 Realization of 4x4= 16 QAM with spatial superposition technology
Published papers:
Masayoshi Tanaka and Daiki Yamaguchi, Spatially Superposed Highly Efficient 64QAM Transmission System,
AIAA ICSSC2016,AIAA 2016-5738,pp1-9,Oct. 2016. Ref, Ref pdf -
Masayoshi Tanaka and Takahiro Ohkubo, Spatially Superposed Highly Efficient 32APSK Transmission System, AIAA ICSSC2015, AIAA 2015-4334, pp1-9, Sept. 2015. Masayoshi Tanaka and Takahiro Ohkubo, "Spatially Superposed Highly Efficient 32APSK Transmission System", AIAA-2015-4334. Ref, Ref pdf.
Masayoshi Tanaka and Takahiro Ohkubo,Highly Efficient Broadband Transmission System AIAA,ICSSC2013,AIAA2013-5677, Oct., 2013 Ref Ref pdf.
Masayoshi Tanaka, Tasuku Watanabe,and Masayuki Tobinai,Highly efficient 32-APSK transmission system,AIAA ICSSC2012,6_1,pp.1-pp.10,2012.09 Ref Ref pdf.
T.Watanabe and M.Tanaka, Study on High Efficient 32APSK Transmitting System, IEICE, National Conf., B-3-17,p311,2012.03
Masayoshi Tanaka and Hiroyasu Madate, 64-QAM Communication System using Three-beam Spatial Power Combining Technology, AIAA, ICSSC-2011, A IAA 2011-8026,2011(Nov) Ref Ref(pdf).
T.Watanabe and M.Tanaka, Study on Spatially 32APSK System, IEICE, Society Conf., B-3-19,p301,2011.09
Masayoshi Tanaka and Hiroyasu Madate , Spatially Superposed 16-QAM System with Two Offset-QPSK Signals,28th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems, AIAA ICSSC2010, AIAA-2010-8681-317,2010 Ref. Ref(pdf)
Masayoshi TANAKA, and Takuya Eguchi, Beam Steering Characteristics and Element Failure Compensation of Spatially Superposed M-ary Modulation System, 27th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems, AIAA, ICSSC, AIAA-2009_3.3.4,2009, Ref (pdf)
Masayoshi.Tanaka,&Takuya.Eguchi,"Spatially Superposed 64-QAM Communication System",AIAA, ICSSC,AIAA-2006-5347, 2006, June. Ref. Ref pdf
Masayoshi Tanaka, Takuya Eguchi, Spatially Superposed M-ary QAM Wireless Communication System, APMC2006, Vol.2, pp 839-842, 2006. (Ref pdf)
Masayoshi Tanaka, and Takuya Eguchi, A Study on Spatially Superposed M-ary Communications System, IEICE, Comm society conf.,B-3-3,2006
Takuya Eguchi, and Masayoshi Tanaka, "Phased Array Antenna System for Spacially Superposed M-ary Modulation ", IEICE, National Conf., B-1-47,2006
Masayoshi Tanaka, "Transmission Performance of Space Power Combined Superposed 16-QAM Communication System", Simulation,vol-24,1,pp75-82,2005.
M.Tanaka, "New M-ary QAM Transmission Payload System",AIAA, ICSSC2005, I000249, 2005, Sept.
M.Tanaka,"New Satellite Communications System Using Power-Combined M-ary Modulation Technology", AIAA ICSSC, AIAA-2003-2288, 2003, April Ref. Ref(pdf).
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